Podología: Atlas de cirugía ungueal. 2ª ed. Editorial Panamerica,
Madrid. 2014, 219 pages.
Diccionario histórico de términos estudiantiles y universitarios
(Historical dictionary of student and university terms).
Diputación Provincial de Palencia,
Palencia, 2012, 120 pages.
Work published to mark the eighth centenary of the 'Studium Generale' of
El arte de Tunar
(The art of tunar).
Chapter entitled
«Un siglo de estudiantinas carnavalescas». T. F. Media y diseño, S. A., Urueña
(Valladolid), 2006,
157 pages. Book & catalog dedicated to the
temporary exhibition held at the Fundación Joaquín
Díaz from Urueña (Valladolid, SPAIN). Sponsored by the Fundación Joaquin Diaz,
Junta de Castilla y León and the Ministry of
Culture of Spain.
Memorias de la Plaza Mayor. El estudiante de Salamanca en el siglo XVIII (Memories of the Main Square. The
student of Salamanca in the eighteenth century). Europa Artes Gráficas, Salamanca, 2005,
101 pages. Work published
to mark the 250th anniversary of the Plaza Mayor of Salamanca. Sponsored
by Fundación Salamanca Ciudad de Cultura, the City of Salamanca and the
consortium Salamanca 2005 Main Square of Europe.
Tradiciones en la antigua Universidad.
Estudiantes, matraquistas y tunos
(Traditions in the ancient university. Students,
matraquistas and tunos).
supervivencia del estudiante pobre en el antiguo Régimen: Correr la Tuna»
(The survival of the poor student in the old regime: Running the Tuna). Ediciones Universidad de Alicante,
Alicante, 2004.
Historia de la Universidad de Salamanca
(History of the University of Salamanca), Volume II. Chapter entitled
«Estudiantinas y Tunas» (Estudiantinas and
Tunas). Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, Salamanca,
2004. Work published to mark the designation of Salamanca as the European
Cultural City 2002.
Tunas y Estudiantinas de Carnaval. Relaciones culturales, sociales y
políticas de los estudiantes de Salamanca
(1852-1936) (Tunas and Estudiantinas
in Carnival. Cultural, social and political
relations of the students
of Salamanca 1852-1936), own edition, Salamanca, 2002, 1500 pages.
Estudiantes de Salamanca
(Students of Salamanca). Chapter entitled
«Estudiantes, Estudiantinas y Tunas»
(Students, Estudiantinas and Tunas).
Salamanca, Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, Salamanca, 2001. Work
published to mark the designation of Salamanca as the European Cultural
Capital in 2002.
Miscelánea Alfonso IX 2000
(Miscellaneous Alfonso IX 2000). Chapter entitled
«Historias y relatos de estudiantes universitarios»
(Stories and narratives of
university students). Gráficas Varona, Salamanca, 2001. Publication of
the Alfonso IX, Center of Universitary History .
Author of the project Vida estudiantil y Tuna. Fondo documental y expositivo
(Student Life and tuna. Documentary and exhibition).
Author of the project for the creation of the International Museum
of the Student.
Student life at the University of Salamanca over the centuries,
opening conference on the occasion of the inauguration of the 2018-2019
academic year at the University of Experience at the University of
Salamanca. Taught in Ciudad Rodrigo, on October 15, 2018.
Pioneering women at the University, lecture given on the occasion
of the
«Pint of Science Spain Festival»
held from May 14 to 16, 2018 in Plasencia (Cáceres).
La vida estudiantil
internacional en la historia de la fotografía (The international
student life in the history of photography),
lecture given on September, 2012
in the
Circle of Friendship (Cordoba, SPAIN).
Ocho siglos de
tradiciones estudiantiles en Iberoamérica (Eight centuries of
student traditions in Latin America), lecture given
on September 29, 2011 at the Cartagena University (Colombia)
during the course of the «I
congreso Internacional: la Tuna en América Hispana».
The History of the Students of Salamanca, lecture
given on October 1,
2010 at the Jagiellonian University of Krakow (Poland) during the course
of the symposium
«Czapka conferences».
Le tradizioni studentesche internazionali
student traditions), lecture
given on July 1,
2010 at the University of Torino (Italy) during the course
of the
«International University Students Meeeting
(EUSM) - Toward a European Union of Knowledge»
an event included in the celebrations of «Torino
2010 - European Youth Capital».
The Spanish Students in ancien times, lecture
given on April 28,
2010 at the Jagiellonian University of Krakow (Poland) during the course
of the symposium
dum sumus».
Panorama des Traditions Estudiantines du Monde, lecture
given on March
27, 2010 at the University of Liege (Belgium) during the course of
the symposium
ans de la penne á Liege».
Leyendas y tradiciones de los estudiantes de la Tuna
(Legends and traditions of students of the Tuna), lecture
given on
November 7, 2009 at the Auditorium
of Fonseca of the University of
Salamanca (SPAIN).
Museo del
estudiante: la musealización de la vida estudiantil internacional
(Museum of the Student: the musealization of the international student
life), lecture given on October 29, 2008 at the Autonomous University
of Queretaro (Mexico) during the course of the «III Festival
Universitario. El otoño en la cultura».
Introducción a la historia de la Tuna
(Introduction to the History of the Tuna), lecture
given on October 24,
2008 at the
Autonomous University of
San Luis Potosi (Mexico).
Origen, evolución y expansión internacional de las tradiciones
estudiantinas (Origin, development and international expansion of
the student traditions),
on October 22, 2008 in Meso-American University of Puebla
Origen, evolución y expansión internacional de las tradiciones
estudiantinas (Origin, development and international expansion of
the student traditions),
on October 20, 2008 in the National Polytechnic
Institute of Mexico, D. F. (Mexico).
Costumbres universitarias: los estudiantes mendicantes y la vida
tunantesca (University customs:
mendicant students and tunantesca life), lecture
on September 6, 2008 at the Interactive Music Museum
(MIMMA) of
Málaga (SPAIN).
Introducción a la historia de la Tuna
(Introduction to the History of the Tuna), Los estudiantes en el
antiguo régimen
(The students in the
Old Regime)
and Las Estudiantinas de
carnaval (Estudiantinas in Carnival), lectures
given at the University of Leon
(SPAIN) on October 18,
2007 during the course of the series dedicated to the
«Historia de la
Génesis de las estudiantinas portuguesas
(Genesis of the Portuguese Estudiantinas),
at the University
of Viseu (Portugal) on October 14, 2006 during the course of the «IV encuentro Nacional de Tunos». Participation in the
round table Tunas Ibericas - Linhas tangentes ou secantes.
La Tuna: Origen e influencias
(La Tuna: Origin and influences), lecture
at the University of La Serena
(Chile) on January 29, 2005 during the course of the
«Seminario del buen Tunar».
La supervivencia del estudiante pobre durante el período vacacional:
correr la Tuna (The survival of poor student during the holiday period:
correr la Tuna),
at Orihuela on February 12, 2003 in the sixth cycle
«Orihuela, una ciudad universitaria en la edad
moderna», organized by the chair Archbishop
Loazes of the University of Alicante
Correr la Tuna: from sopistas to tunos. Exhibition held,
between May 11 and 18, 2019, in the Exhibition Hall of the University
College of Zamora. In collaboration with Rafael García Santalla.
Pioneering women at the University. Exhibition on the occasion of
«Pint of Science
Spain Festival»
held from May 14 to 16, 2018 in Plasencia (Cáceres).
Ars Tunandi.
Exhibition held from April 1 to 16, 2016 in the "Cielo de Salamanca"
room located in the Patio de Escuelas Menores of the University of
Salamanca (Spain).
In collaboration with
Rafael García Santalla.
Memory and validity of a compromise. University against the dictatorship.
Contribution of pieces for the exhibition held between 13 March and 1
September 2013, in Valencia La Nau building. Organized by the Department
for Culture and Equality at the University of Valencia.
Gaudeamus. Eight
centuries of student life. Exhibition held between October 23 and
December 2, 2012 at the Cultural Center of Palencia (Spain). Organized
by the Provincial Council of Palencia for the eighth centenary of the
Studium Generale
Palencia at
primum. About books and students. Exhibition held between October 9
and December 31, 2012 at the Palacio de la Isla de Burgos (Spain).
Organized by the Castilian and Leonese Institute of Language, in
collaboration with the Provincial Council and the city of Palencia
Palencia on the occasion of the eighth centenary of the Studium Generale.
The look of the study (1850-2012). Exhibition
installed in the
Circle of Friendship (Cordoba, SPAIN)
between 6
and 20 September 2012.
Organized by the Association of Anthropology Cordobesa.
Students throughout history. Exhibition
installed in the
Cartagena University (Cartagena de Indias, COLOMBIA) from 28
September to October 2, 2011.
Students and tunos over the engravings. Exhibition
installed in the
Palace of D. Gutierre
of Leon from 28
September to October 19, 2007. Sponsored by the
Townhall of Leon.
The art of Tunar. Exhibition innstaled in the
Mercedes Rueda's exhibition room of the Fundación Joaquín Díaz
between August 1, 2006 and August 1, 2007
in Urueña
(Valladolid). Sponsored by the Ministry of Culture.
Tuna and Humanism in the culture of Spain. Contribution of pieces for the
exhibition held between 23 and October 25, 1997, in the Historical
Building of the University of Salamanca.
Troupes and students from
Valencia (1887-1928),
Journal of the Comparsa de Estudiantes de Elda, Elda (Alicante),
A romance about poor
students in the eighteenth century in Valencia,
Journal of the Comparsa de Estudiantes de Elda, Elda (Alicante),
Student troupes and
Estudiantinas in Carnival in the nineteenth century, Journal of the Comparsa de Estudiantes
de Elda, Elda (Alicante), 2010.
CBET magazine, No. 2, February 2006, Moscow, pp.
114-129. Collaboration in the development of reporting.
Students and Novelty Cafe,
Papeles del Novelty No 9, Globalia Graphic Arts,
Salamanca, December 2003, pp. 35-43.
Area of Tuna, Asus magazine, nº 71, June 2000, Salamanca, pp. 11.